Swoon - Zero Sugar Pink Lemonade, 12fl oz

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Swoon - Zero Sugar Pink Lemonade, 12fl oz

Brand - Swoon
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Quick Description

Swoon’s Zero Sugar Pink Lemonade is full of natural flavors and fruity strawberries! This sugar-free beverage is made for everyone. 

Key Information

  • Zero sugar
  • Low carbs
  • Keto-friendly
  • No artificial flavors
  • Choose from single can or 12-pack
  • Store in refrigerator

Product Overview 

Swoon’s Zero Sugar Pink Lemonade is a zesty, spritzy lemonade enriched with fruity strawberry juice concentrate and flavored with natural monk fruit extract. 

This Zero Sugar Pink Lemonade will make your dreams of picnics, splashing in the pool, laying lazily at the lake, or hiking at sunrise come true! There are no limits on this sweet red berry joy. 

Swoon’s Zero Sugar Pink Lemonade is also extremely versatile. Hosting a party and want to spice things up? No problem! The Zero Sugar Pink Lemonade is quickly transformed into a frozen strawberry daiquiri or a classic strawberry margarita!

Zero sugar, zero compromises!


Filtered Water, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Strawberry Juice Concentrate, Vegetable Juice (For Color), Natural Flavors, Monk Fruit Extract, Malic Acid, Lactic Acid

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Swoon’s Zero Sugar Pink Lemonade pink?

The color of Swoon Zero Sugar Pink Lemonade is mainly created by adding vegetable juice. Strawberries are often used for coloring. The most famous vegetable for coloring is beetroot. You don’t have to worry about the taste though. Berries and citrus fruits neutralize the earthy taste!

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