Mi-Del - Swedish Style Ginger Snaps, 10oz

Mi-Del - Swedish Style Ginger Snaps, 10oz - Front
Mi-Del - Swedish Style Ginger Snaps, 10oz - Nutrition Facts
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Mi-Del - Swedish Style Ginger Snaps, 10oz

Brand - Mi-Del
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Quick Description

Enjoy Mi-Del Swedish Style Ginger Snaps with a hot drink on a cold night. Gluten-free and made with fiery fresh ginger and organic ingredients.

Key Information

  • Gluten-free
  • With fresh ginger
  • Organic

Product Overview

Swedish ginger snaps are a staple during the holiday season. Mi-Del Swedish Style Ginger Snaps are gluten-free, organic, and made with fiery fresh ginger. They’re baked to perfection, and wonderfully crisp. Enjoy with a cup of hot tea, or pop a few in your lunchbox for work or school.


Organic Unbleached Wheat Flour, Organic Dehydrated Cane Juice, Canola Oil, Unsulphured Molasses, Ginger, Baking Soda, Sea Salt, Soy Lecithin (used As An Emulsifier).
Allergens: Wheat, Soy.

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