Frontier Co-Op - Organic Whole Black Peppercorns, 2.12oz

Frontier Co-Op - Organic Whole Black Peppercorns, 2.12oz
Frontier Co-Op - Organic Whole Black Peppercorns, 2.12oz - back
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Frontier Co-Op - Organic Whole Black Peppercorns, 2.12oz

Brand - Frontier Co-Op
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Quick Description

Frontier Co-Op’s Organic Whole Black Peppercorns are natural, high-quality, and perfectly sized peppercorns. Enjoy the heat!

Key Information

  • Non-GMO & non-ETO
  • Kosher certified
  • Non-irradiated
  • High-quality certified organic ingredients

Product Overview

Black pepper is one of the most popular spices in the world, but did you know that black peppercorns are in unripe green fruits just like berries? They are sun-dried after fermenting.

Frontier Co-Op’s Organic Whole Black Peppercorns are organic and sourced from India and Vietnam.

These Black Peppercorns are carefully selected from premier producing locations and provide a consistent size of peppercorns.

Frontier Co-Op’s Organic Whole Black Peppercorns are easy to grind in a peppermill when cooking or great for using whole. Perfect for adding extra heat to any dish.

With full-bodied flavor and aroma, these Peppercorns are nicely packed in a jar - easy to open and convenient to use.


Organic Black Peppercorns.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is black pepper good for?

Black pepper is extremely nutritious and packed with all sorts of goodness.

Black pepper is a source of many vitamins and minerals like vitamins C, K, E, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, and manganese. It also contains copper, iron, calcium, potassium, and zinc.

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