ChocZero - Keto Chocolate Barks, 6oz Assorted Flavors

ChocZero - Keto Chocolate Barks, 6oz Assorted Flavors

Brand - ChocZero
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Quick Description

Indulge in the ultimate chocolatey snack with ChocZero’s Keto Chocolate Barks! This luxurious dark chocolate is rich and nutty - a real treat for the taste buds. 

Key Information

  • Keto Chocolate Bars with 0 Sugar
  • Vegan
  • Free from Dairy, Gluten, Soy, Sugar, and GMOs
  • Natural ingredients
  • Low carb!

Product Overview 

ChocZero has created a totally delicious, chocolatey product for all the chocoholics out there! The bold 55% dark chocolate, sprinkled with sea salt and nuts create the perfect sweet and salty flavor combination - satisfying all your sugary needs without being sickly. 

The smooth chocolate melts in your mouth while the crunchy nuts give the bar a perfect bite with each mouthful. Who knew a vegan and sugar-free chocolate bar could be so delicious? Instead of sugar, the bars use monk fruit to give them that sweet taste. 

Not only that, these ChocZero bars use natural, non-GMO ingredients - so you don’t need to worry about any nasty chemicals while you let yourself delight in your dessert. 

Each pack contains 6 mini-packs, making them the perfect pick-me-up when you’re out and about! 

Dark Chocolate Almond Keto Bark (6 oz)

Luxurious dark chocolate with creamy, crumbly almonds make this bar the ideal sweet snack that seems almost too good to be true! The lightly sprinkled sea salt creates a perfect balance of flavor that will keep you reaching for more. Not to mention that almonds have great health benefits, being high in vitamin E, fiber, and antioxidants! If you’re going to eat them, eat them in a delicious bar of bold dark chocolate. 

Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Keto Bark (6 oz)

Crunchy, nutty hazelnuts are enveloped in smooth, sweet dark chocolate - giving you an incredible taste with this classic flavor combo. Reminiscent of widely-loved nutella, this nostalgic taste will transport your taste buds, without the high sugar levels and carbs! Hazelnuts are also notorious for their high fiber and protein - so there’s no need to compromise on taste when you’ve got a healthy sweet treat that tastes this good.


Dark Chocolate Almond Keto Bark (6 oz)
Dark Chocolate (unsweetened Chocolate, Cocoa Butter), Soluble Corn Fiber, Almonds, Sea Salt, Sunflower Lecithin, Monk Fruit Extract, Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans

Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Keto Bark (6 oz)
Dark Chocolate (unsweetened Chocolate, Cocoa Butter), Soluble Corn Fiber, Hazelnuts, Sea Salt, Sunflower Lecithin, Monk Fruit Extract, Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ChocZero, and what’s so great about it?

Here at PlantX, we are fully behind any brand that manages to make vegan chocolate that tastes this good! ChocZero prides itself on using high-quality ingredients, like real Madagascar vanilla beans, to give each of their products a sublime taste.

It also aims to keep its treats healthier than your average sweet treat, meaning products like the two chocolate bars above are low carb and sugar-free because there’s nothing more important than feeling our best. With ChocZero, you really do get the best of both worlds.

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