Beanfields - Himalayan Pink Salt Bean Chips, 5.5oz Pack of 6

Beanfields - Himalayan Pink Salt Bean Chips, 5.5oz
 | Pack of 6 - PlantX US
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Beanfields - Himalayan Pink Salt Bean Chips, 5.5oz Pack of 6

Brand - Beanfields
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Quick Description

Treat yourself to the delightful blend of taste and well-being found in Beanfields Himalayan Pink Salt Bean Chips. Now offered in a convenient six-pack on PlantX, these irresistible snacks effortlessly marry the wholesome essence of beans with the refined flavor of Himalayan pink salt. The result is a snacking adventure that not only gratifies the palate but also nourishes the body.

Beanfields Bean Chips redefine the snack game, offering a gluten-free, Non-GMO, and vegan option for those seeking a guilt-free treat. Crafted with care, each chip is a crunchy delight that transcends traditional snacking, providing a wholesome alternative to conventional chips.

Perfectly seasoned with the subtle richness of Himalayan pink salt, these chips are a testament to Beanfields' commitment to quality. The distinct flavor profile elevates the snacking experience, making it an ideal choice for those craving a savory yet wholesome option.

Snacks & Sweets enthusiasts, rejoice! Beanfields Bean Chips deliver on both taste and nutrition. With a satisfying crunch and the wholesome goodness of beans, these chips redefine the snack aisle. Whether enjoyed solo or paired with your favorite dips, these chips are a must-have for those who value both flavor and well-being.

Elevate your snack game with Beanfields Himalayan Pink Salt Bean Chips, a tasty testament to the intersection of Snacks & Sweets and health-conscious indulgence. Order your pack of six on PlantX and savor the goodness of Beanfields' exceptional snack innovation.

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