Outstanding Foods - Outstanding Puffs, 3oz Various Flavors

Outstanding Foods - Outstanding Puffs, 3oz Various Flavors

Brand - Outstanding Foods
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Quick Description

Snack away on these Outstanding Puffs from Outstanding Foods! These are a healthy snack for when you’re on the go - coming in four flavors.

Key Information

  • Vegan-friendly snack - great alternative to potato chips!
  • 100% gluten-free
  • Each pack contains 21g of protein
  • Contains 20 essential vitamins and minerals
  • Great source of iron, calcium, zinc and vitamins

Product Overview

Crack open a delicious bag of Outstanding Puffs from Outstanding Foods.

The perfect snack if you’re having trouble hitting your daily protein goals - a single bag of these Outstanding puffs contains a whopping 21g of plant-based protein! Protein is essential if you exercise regularly and are looking to build muscle mass and develop tone.

With all that desired crunch, these would make an excellent alternative to your standard high-fat potato chips! Rich in natural vitamins and minerals, these puffs are a sure-fire way to get everything you need to boost your overall health and wellbeing.

Coming in four unique flavors, there’s guaranteed to be a puff for every occasion - so what are you waiting for?

Hella Hot Outstanding Puffs

Made using an expert flavor combination of paprika, onion, garlic and habanero pepper these puffs are a real mouthful of exciting flavour that will instantly transport you to the Latin American sun. Grab a bag and share with friends to see who can handle the heat!

White Chedda Outstanding Puffs

Who doesn’t love a good old cheese puff? Well, these White Chedda Outstanding Puffs are just that, and more! Bursting full of delicious cheesy flavor but without the cheese! This genius recipe combines 100% natural and non-GMO ingredients as it is packed full of yeast extract to give you an authentic cheesy taste, but vegan!

Pizza Partay Outstanding Puffs

All the fun of a pizza party in a single bite! Munch away guilt-free on this delicious savory snack. Carefully flavored with tomato, garlic and spice to give you that authentic pizza taste and finished with yeast extract to mimic that cheesy flavor that we all know and love.

Chilli Ranch Outstanding Puffs

Sweet and spicy, there really is a lot to love about these Chilli Ranch Outstanding Puffs from Outstanding Foods. Carefully flavored using natural chilli, onion and garlic, each bite is bursting full of delicious natural flavor! Irresistible!


Hella Hot Outstanding Puffs
Rice, High-Oleic Expeller Pressed Sunflower Oil, Pea Protein, Hella Hot Seasoning (Pea Protein, Sea Salt, Inactive Baker's Yeast, Tapioca Solids, Natural Flavor*, Garlic Powder, Yeast Extract, Lactic Acid*, Paprika Extract, Onion Powder, Spices, White Distilled Vinegar, Habanero Pepper, Citric Acid, Ghost Pepper), Pea Grits, Brown Rice Protein, Calcium Carbonate, Nutrients from a Proprietary Blend (Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, Pumpkin, Squash, Sweet Potato, Sunflower Seed, Kelp, Chlorella, Maitake Mushroom, Shitake Mushroom). *Derived from vegan sources

White Chedda Outstanding Puffs
Rice, High-Oleic Expeller Pressed Sunflower Oil, Pea Protein, White Chedda" Seasoning (Pea Protein, Tapioca Solids, Sea Salt, Natural Flavor*, Yeast Extract, Inactive Baker's Yeast, Lactic Acid*, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Spices, Citric Acid), Pea Grits, Nutrients from a Proprietary Blend (Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, Pumpkin, Squash, Sweet Potato, Sunflower Seed, kelp, Chlorella, Maitake Mushroom, Shitake Mushroom).
*Derived from vegan sources

Pizza Partay Outstanding Puffs
Rice, High-Oleic Expeller Pressed Sunflower Oil, Pea Protein, Pizza Partay Seasoning (Pea Protein, Tomato Powder, Sea Salt, Garlic Powder, Spices, Yeast Extract, Natural Flavor*, Olive Oil, Onion Powder, Lactic Acida, Paprika Extract), Pea Grits, Brown Rice Protein, Calcium Carbonate, Nutrients from a Proprietary Blend (Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, Pumpkin, Squash, Sweet Potato, Sunflower Seed, Kelp, Chlorella, Maitake Mushroom, Shitake Mushroom).
*Derived from vegan sources

Chill Ranch Outstanding Puffs
Rice, High-Oleic Expeller Pressed Sunflower Oil, Pea Protein, Chill Ranch Seasoning (Pea Protein, Sea Salt, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Natural Flavor*, Yeast Extract, Tomato Powder, Spices, White Distilled Vinegar, Tapioca Solids, Citric Acid, Lactic Acid“), Pea Grits, Brown Rice Protein, Calcium Carbonate, Nutrients from a Proprietary Blend (Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, Pumpkin, Squash, Sweet Potato, Sunflower Seed, Kelp, Chlorella, Maitake Mushroom, Shitake Mushroom)
*Derived from vegan sources

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is protein so important for muscle recovery?

When working out or exercising, muscle tissue is effectively being torn apart, allowing for new muscle tissue to be built. Upping your protein intake is important to ensure that muscle tissue recovers and is reconstructed as fast as possible!

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