Global Healing - Mycozil® Candida & Flora Cleanse, 120ct

Global Healing - Mycozil® Candida & Flora Cleanse, 120ct
Global Healing - Mycozil® Candida & Flora Cleanse, 120ct  - back
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Global Healing - Mycozil® Candida & Flora Cleanse, 120ct

Brand - Global Healing
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Quick Description

Itching to get relief? Mycozil contains potent herbs and enzymes to help rebalance Candida and raise your defenses against yeast and fungal infections.

Key Information

  • Natural antifungal and anti-yeast formula
  • Designed to eradicate Candida infection
  • Helps support the body’s natural defenses
  • Supports natural cleansing
  • Non-GMO, gluten-free

Product Overview

Mycozil is specially designed to work with your immune system to balance your internal flora and help reduce and prevent fungal and yeast overgrowth.

Balancing act: Candida occurs naturally in the body. Mycozil helps rebalance the population of Candida to maintain a healthy internal flora and reduce symptoms like skin itching, dandruff, rashes, digestive disturbances, and yellow nails.

00.......Natural detox: Mycozil targets the source of infection, not just the symptoms.

With proper use, it can help reduce fungal overgrowth and prevent further infections.

Better feeling: Mycozil provides nutrition to help improve your defenses against yeast and fungal infection. Feel confident when you enter pools, locker rooms, and saunas with Mycozil’s antifungal protection.

Don’t settle for just relief. Regain your balance and treat the root of the problem with Mycozil.


Wildcrafted Jatoba, Wildcrafted Pau D'Arco, Organic Licorice, Organic Anise, Beta Gluconase, Hemi Cellulase, Fulvic Acid, Brevibacillus Laterosporus

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Mycozil need to be refrigerated?

Mycozil does not require refrigeration. You can store it at room temperature, away from heat or sunlight.

How do I take Mycozil?

Take 3 capsules twice daily before meals. Consult your health care professional if you are taking other antifungal medications.

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